Sign-up bonus? And why are those questions related?Ģ.1.1 What are the basic rules of poker? What are the handĢ.1.2 What happens if two players have the same hand? How doĢ.1.3 What should I expect the first time I play poker in aĬasino or card room? What etiquette should I follow?Ģ.1.4 What is a poker tournament? How does one work? What isĢ.1.5 What are some good books about poker?Ģ.1.6 What are some good magazines about poker?Ģ.1.7 What are some good poker-related software programs?Ģ.1.8 What do all these poker terms mean? Table stakes, no How to submit updates andġ.2 Who pays for the FAQ? How do I get the best online poker The official and up-to-date version of this page is at:ġ.1 About the FAQ. See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Newsgroups:, , rec.answers, news.answers